Hold me, I’m scared (welcome to Salamanca)

Um. Toto, we are not in Galicia nor Austurias anymore. What a crazy city! Impossible to find the hotel without getting out on foot. Then needed to get someone from the hotel to lead our car thru a pedestrian area to the secret garage entrance (where we had a near miss with a scooter). Then down an impossibly narrow pathway down down down. Then the hotel guy offered to park in a narrow corner much smaller than our car using a 400 point turn to park the vehicle. Up up up the stairs we went with all our luggage. Felt like I was on the amazing race – missing the Camino.

Here we take the daring diversion from 4 star hotels. We are in a 3 room “apartment” that is reached only by a scary labyrinth and feels sub-terrain. It is hot here. Sweat rolls off my face as I type this. No AC. We have to sleep with the windows open… But tonight is the summer solstice and it may get loud – we are right on the Plaza Mayor where a sound system is being erected. Already there are large groups of people in the streets. A rowdy bachelor party passes – everyone in matching pink shirts. I can tell you one thing for sure – I’m not hanging out in this pit of an apartment more than I have to! Watch out Salmanca, I’m about to join you.