Hello Segovia

Our last full day in Spain, we arrive in Segovia. Like Salamanca, our hotel is situated on the Plaza Mayor. Unlike Salamanca, this hotel (Hotel Infanta Isabel) is very nice. Driving into the city is, in a word, chaotic. Everything is moving quickly and the narrow roads with hard to read street names are confusing. With badly spoken Spanish, we ask for directions, and as we say in the computer world: garbage in, garbage out – we got bad directions as we were parked very far from the Plaza Mayor. We were in a rush because we were meeting Toms old childhood neighbor who was coincidentally in Spain at the same time. Bob took at tumble which reminded me of a stuntman the way he jumped right back up and continued walking.

Segovia is full of music today. I asked at reception if today was a special day and as far as I could understand, for 3-4 days after summer solstice there is a music festival. As we walked to the Plaza, we met up with street musicians who were dancing and playing instruments. This continued from noon until around 1pm. We sat out at the tables in front of our hotel and were treated with several more parading street performers in funny costumes (I’ll post some pictures and a link to a YouTube video – wifi permitting).

The boys are done. They made a begrudged trip down to the aqueduct after which we fed them with more pizza and ice cream. While Tom and I explored the city, the boys stayed sequestered in their room watching Spanish cartoons and napping.

The parades start again at 8pm, we have reserved a table in the Plaza and I hope to extract the boys from their rooms. Although we have probably better views from our rooms.

I’ll post more pix en un momento.