Florence Day 1

Today we traveled to Florence. Returning the scraped car at the Florence Airport, the attendant shrugged and suggested we buy him a coffee when he visits San Diego. A quick-ish train ride got us into Florence, where we waited to check in to our Airbnb. Another pizza for me!

We wandered around spending some time in Signoria  Piazza before heading back to the Duomo Piazza to climb Giotto’s tower. It is 277 feet high and has 414 stairs to the top. Read about it here

Piazza Signoria 

The climb

This was slightly dangerous. In parts there were people going up and down on the same narrow passage. It was super cramped when it was spiraling tightly. The stairs were small here, just enough for a foot. Every so often the stairs opened to a loggio where you could get pictures and cool down with a nice breeze! 

Red faced me 

One of the loggios 

A view from partway up

At the top

Later, we went to get groceries…needed to slow my roll (the one around my waist) and re-introduce veggies. Between groceries and dinner, we went to look at the sunset over Ponte Vecchio from Ponte alle Grazie. Then we walked to Piazzale Michelangelo for a better view. It was crowded up here but still worth it.

Lots of people here

Lots of beer apparently 

The piazza 

The walk down 

Later after dinner we met Sue, Kathy, Katie & Bill for gelato at Venchi. 

Early start tomorrow!