
Our next leg of this Portugal journey is in Tavira. This is where we are planning to rent an apartment. Wish us luck!

First look

From the bus, we enter town. Yes, it is very close to Spain! Going off the exit looks really promising — the town looks very appealing to us.

Here are photos taken as we walk into town from the bus station. Here, we are walking along the River Gilão. When you look at Tavira on a map, you’ll see the river goes through it, and it is the access to the the ocean through the barrier islands.

Our AirBnb

Dinner with Friends

Tonight we dine at Dawat Indian Restaurant with friends and a bunch of their friends!

After, we walked around in Tavira main square where a concert was going on. We stayed out until around midnight, popping across the river for gelato, then walking past shopping that were still open!


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