Hola Espana

We have been in Spain for a little less than 12 hours…I am in my room at Silken Indautxu in Bilbao. It is 7:45p and I am having a glass of Rioja and fighting with technology while the others sleep. My Netbook is 3 years old and sorely out of date…so I have to blog from my iPhone. This means that I have to wait to post pictures taken from my digital SLR until I return home.

First off, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that our driver to the airport was the current Chewbacka (sp)…made for an interesting transport.

The flight from San Diego to Dallas was nice. I sat next to a woman who was also travelling to Spain on business. She was in HR and was studying the Spanish labor laws and we had a lively discussion about socialism.

The flight from Dallas to Madrid had all the makings of a good flight until we got over the Blue Ridge Mountain Range. This coincided with dinner service and we were seated in the back of the plane. A full 5 terrifying minutes later, it was safe to eat. The flight continued to do side to side rocking and the some fun dips and dives over the atlantic. So much for sleeping.

The flight from Madrid to Bilbao was 50 minutes and no problem. From there we took the bus to the end of the line and wandered to find our hotel. Toms dad was waiting in the lobby with his buddy Hank (Hank is quite the pistol and I have a feeling you will hear quite a bit about Hank). After a quick freshening up we hit the town….