21.5 of 100km – Baamonde to Alto de Mamoa

Today we walked 21.5 km. This final 100km is what we need to do to be recognized in Santiago de Compostella as Pelegrinos.

3.4km to Capela de San Alberte. This was by road. Then we turned off on our way to Santa Leocadia. This photo is taken at that spot. Here it is a pretty walk with rolling hills – mostly all under tree cover.

4.4km to Santa Leocadia. Here we had Paella, caprese salad, bread, vino y a fruit and yogurt dessert. Let’s just say I may be putting on a few pounds in spite of all the walking!

7.4km to Miraz. Here we got a stamp in our Santiago passports.

6.3km to Alto de Mamoa. Was very glad to see Jorge waiting at the van. Pretty constant ascent on this stretch.