I’m ad-free

I am breaking the silence about unruly websites. You know the story too well: a promising search result, a hasty click, a moment of calm. Then, after scrolling past the two-page recipe backstory, it happens… the newsletter popup (dramatization, pictured below).

Whoa Nelly! You seem nice and all but I barely know you! I’d like to first find out to see if we are compatible before exchanging contact info. But wait, there’s more. What sweet hell is waiting under that pop up? Buckle in. 

Other websites have popups and ads.

Not just one ad but an onslaught of ads of varying sizes, formats and annoyance factors. They are uncoordinated and overlap each other. It is a bit like watching a preschool play but way less cute. You bushwhack your way to the content, but the resurgence seems to outpace you. It’s a battle of wills, and comes down to how badly you want the content.

The ShinyPenguin website is free of ads and popups.

The ones above were a dramatization, fabricated out of stock photos, and arguably less annoying. You can help keep my website distraction free by purchasing items using my links or by a straight up donation.

Ad-free: it’s a beautiful thing.

Please help ShinyPenguin stay Ad-free

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