Anyone for a Swelican?

We packed quite a bit in today. It started pretty good, then got rather slow – but trust me it will pick up. It all started at the Muffin Man (Tea Shop – Kensington) where we had our breakfast (this is fast becoming a favorite for me). Then onto the tube at High Street Kensington to St James. The walk through St. James Park was quite nice. On the water we saw a ducks, swans, and then a white bird that looked like a cross between a swan and a pelican – Bryce and I quickly decided to call it a Swelican. Over the bridge, we had views to Buckingham Palace one way and the Admiralty / Treasury the other (below is a view to the former).

Next, we walked to St. James Palace because I saw guards there during our bus tour. No such luck today. We did take a picture of the boys standing guard in the guard station and I took a picture of an archers cross/loop at the same time (see another post for pictures). Then we walked up St. James street to Piccadilly passing Pall Mall and eventually The Ritz.

Continuing down Piccadilly we headed south through Green Park to Buckingham Palace. We arrived there about 10:25am and people were already starting to stake our their viewing claims for the Changing of the Guards. Greg’s recommendation was to watch the beginning and then make like a tree and leave. Spontaneously, Tom said “let’s go to see the changing of the Horse Guards” (daily at 11am). So back through St James’s Park toward the Old Admiralty and Treasury we go. For 17 of the 20 minutes that this changing takes is the most mind-numbing boredom known to man. But then suddenly from nowhere comes out an Englishman that starts to shout somewhat angrily. This not only makes the horses poo, but serves as a cue for the others to take action (tangent: where we were standing, was a passage way that many attempted to congregrate at…but there was an English policewoman who would step in and say “I’m sorry you cannot remain there, please move along” and I must say I enjoyed this every 2 minutes when a new sampling of people would arrive). I’ll put some pictures of this exciting changing in another post.

For the next action-packed moment, we decided to head to Big Ben so the boys could hear it strike 12 noon. OK – stop me if this is too exciting for you. I’ll tell you, the NOISE NOISE NOISE of cars, motorcycles and buses made me throw in the towel. We crossed the street to outside the Houses of Parliament and waited. It was worth it believe it or not — arguably there could have been a better listening location but this was fine enough.

We walked south through Victoria Tower Gardens to lunch. This was a treat that I will detail in another entry.

After lunch we went to the Westminster Abbey where we figured we would go through rather quickly. We were there for 2 prayers. Turns out they had a special tour for kids and the boys LOVED it. That with the audio tour — they had a blast. I felt like I was holding THEM up! No photography was allowed in The Abbey, so you are spared for now.

After The Abbey Tom said the one thing that all women love “how about we go to the Churchill Cabinet and War Rooms?” With 3 boys (4 including Tom) how could I say no.? Again a great audio tour that even I enjoyed. When we emerged, it was after 5pm. When Tom asked if we should go to the “National Gallery” I first feared he had turned into Mirna (my diehard sister-in-law who can do multiple major exhibits in one day). By this time, I am afraid to say, my feet were HURTING (too bad blogs don’t have a scratch-and-sniff option because I must admit — my feet are quite ripe).

So back on the tube at St. James to Earl’s Court to change to High Street Kensington. Then a quick trip to Tesco (which c’mon, is never quick). I loathe grocery shopping here. It is more like a full-contact sport of which I have no training (I would like to have a blog entry dedicated only to walking and shopping in Kensington … after I have the wine I fully intend on consuming later this evening, perhaps I will).

So it is Uncle Ben’s rice, chicken and salad for dinner tonight. Tom will go to dinner with Greg (and most likely his editor) tonight.

Look for pictures in the next posts.