Last full day in London

Whilst drinking my morning coffee (right, sorry it should be tea … well cheers now, jolly good), I am pouring over London guide books. I’m not ready to go – my short list of things to do is not so short. Let’s see if I can bring it down a bit….

(1) Walking Tour of Little Venice (colorful narrowboats and white stucco-clad houses line the basin of the Regent’s Canal in an area just north of Paddington known as Little Venice). The only glitch here is that the boys went to a nearby neighborhood yesterday while I went s-h-o-p-p-i-n-g with Kathleen & Marianne.

(2) English Countryside. Great idea but where and how? Maybe close to London but reminiscent of English countryside – Hampstead or Hampton Palace?

(3) Pubs. We’ve only been to a couple pubs! We definitely need to pop into a pub for fish & chips or bangers & mash. I’ve only been to 2 pubs – The Churchill Arms and Kings Arms. Tom went out with Greg to the Prince of Wales on our first night.

(4) St. Martin in the Fields. Free concert at 1pm and then a trip over to the London Brass-Rubbing Centre where the kids can make their own souvenirs?

Here are some of Kyle’s ideas: (1) “We haven’t just stayed in the apartment all day” and (2) “Let’s go to as many playgrounds as we can”.

Somewhere in there is a compromise …

Today Kathleen, Marianne, & Michael went on a tour to Windsor Castle, Stonehenge, and Bath. Greg was “treated” to a late start today – usually been leaving at 7:30am and today he got picked up at 9am. That means he will surely get home late again. Last night we planned to go out to a late dinner to celebrate his birthday but he had to work late. So then we decided to make him dinner but they brought food in … so then we went with plan C and got a CAKE. This was a delicious cake – filled with fruit and surrounded by curls of white chocolate. It was one of the prettiest cakes I might have ever seen…should have taken a picture of it.

We let the kids sleep late because they are staying up late … we have 9 people squeezed into this 2 bedroom flat. Their sleeping area is in the common room and although Kyle & Bryce have been impressive by falling asleep amongst the chatter, they are obviously tired.

We return to LA at 6pm on Saturday (leaving London at 3pm – I wish it was only a 3 hour flight).