Good to be home

I didn’t want to admit it on my blog … but my last day in London I was feeling a bit weepy. I didn’t want to leave. And I didn’t want to say goodbye to my brother … I actually felt like I was going to cry as he got into his car to work. If you know me, you understand that sentimental emotions I keep to myself.

We had a wonderful flight home. I was irrationally worried when the flight attendants could not get the video system to work (to play back the safety video). In my irrational mind, if you cannot get the video system to work, how could the plane possibly be functioning well enough to get us safely to our destination. The flight was probably the most smooth flight I remember being on… only a bit of slight turbulence when we crossed from Canada to the US.

Arrived at 6:15pm and walked straight through immigration check and customs without a hitch. Tom was right about doing only carry-on…we were outside waiting for Tim (Tom’s brother) in no time. Luckily I had the sense of mind to look up and see we were under the signs for the obscure airlines (eubonia air, u-betcha air, etc). So, given we didn’t have a cell phone (nor would it help because Tim doesn’t carry one) we decided to use logic and reason and head down to the sign that said “American Airlines International Arrivals”. There was Tim waiting with our car. We piled in, took the 10 minute ride to drop Tim off and headed home.

It was on the ride home that I hit the wall. I couldn’t keep my eyes open to save my life. It was about 3:30am London time – I had been up more than 24 hours. Tom was a trooper and got us home by 9:30pm. The kids went right to bed. Tom & I enjoyed some wine and the finale of Top Chef before heading up to bed. I awoke once in the night…needing to find the toilet (ok bathroom), and I was completely confused where I was. Boys woke up at 4am and read until about 5am and then have been up for the day. I hope we survived jet lag — other than an early wake up, they seem to be off without a hitch.

So the Legaults are over having lunch with the boys. We probably will have our traditional Sunday night BBQ with the Legaults. We are back home and haven’t missed a beat.