Rome: Day 2

It’s an early start to meet our early entry tour at 7:15am. I chose the shortest tour that gets you right into the Sistine Chapel. Sat for quite a long time in there and then stood and studied the walls. Finally we exit to the Vatican Museums where we spent quite a bit time with the sculptures. Getting back to visit St. Peter’s Basilica was a holy traffic jam.

Happy to leave the growing crowds we walk back, visiting the Pantheon. All the time I’m in disbelief that I’m here doing all this.

After a short break, we decide to take the bus to Appian Way. This goes poorly, as we waited 40 minutes for the bus on both ends of this trip and exited too early. Having to walk for miles before getting to anything interesting. Both irritated we found our way back to the bus stop to wait for the 1 bus servicing this route. But what made it worth it was taking to Giusy, an Italian woman we had a wonderful conversation with.