Avignon, turning the corner

There’s no other way to put it but my first impression was pas bon (not too good). Upon arrival was accosted by a smell that reminded me of the California Central Valley, a dry heat that induced a waterfall of sweat in places I didn’t realize had sweat glands, and the piece de resistance was our AirBNB turned out to be a 6th floor walkup whose advertised AC was on the fritz. 

After getting settled, we went out to have some cold drinks and walk the city. I found the city a bit grungy until we looped back around to Rue de la république. Lots of lovely (and probably very expensive) shops are here. We walked for 2 miles in that 97 degree heat, and even at 7pm when the temp was 95 we realized we needed to head in and wait it out. We stopped by the market and picked up provisions for a homemade dinner. Don’t tsk-tsk, we find trying to make a meal with local foods quite fun!

After dinner we decided that we must get crème glacée and ventured out into the now 85 degree heat. It was so good. I had chocolat orangé and something crème brûlée like (Tom
Got chocolat and raspberry cheese cake). So yum. Then we sat in the square outside popes palace and watched the night and the people.

Sleep wasn’t awful, but awoke at 8am!